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1. Title Tag 

The title tag is an HTML tag this tag defines Title in your web pages. Under the title tag, we can define the name of any product and services. The title tag length should work 50-60 characters.

2. Meta Keyword 

The meta keywords are an HTML tag this tag defines keywords in any web pages. Under the meta keyword, we can define the related keywords in any product and services. The meta keyword has no length. Example -

<meta name-"keywords" content-"SEO, SMO, SEM, SMM,...etc." />

3. Meta Description 

The meta description is an HTML tag this tag defines description in any web pages. Under the meta description, we can define the related description in any product and services. The meta description tag length should work 150 to160 characters. Example 

<meta name-"description" content-"Dbefine you description..." />

4. Heading Tag 

The Heading tag is an HTML tag this tag defines any topic or content heading in web pages. Under the heading tag, we can define the related heading in any product and services. The heading tag length is 70 characters. Example -

5. Canonical Tag 

The canonical tag is an HTML tag this tag is solving duplicate pages problem. Under the canonical tag, we can define your real page URL and solve duplicate page problem. This tag is the most important part of on-page SEO.Example

6. Robots Tag 

The robots tag is an HTML tag this tag defines whos bots follow our web pages and whos not follow. Follow and index tag defines that bots will follow your pages means there is a lot of chance that your page will come in search results. By applying the tag nofollwo and noindex, bots will not follow your pages, meaning that your page will not come in search results either. Example 

7 Internal Links 

Internal links are links that go from one page on a domain to a different page on the same domain. They are commonly used in main navigation.Internal links are most important to stable customers on your website and increase your spending time. Most think it decreases your bounce rate. 

8. Alt Tag 

The alt tag is an HTML tag this tag defines what type of image you have and what is the name of that image. Google's bots do not know about any images of which type of image it is, so we have to use an alt tag to define the name and types of an image. Example 

9. User-Friendly Website 

The more user-friendly your website is, the better chance you have of getting visitors to learn, engage and get involved. It's pretty hard to join an email list, make a donation or sign up for a program if you can't figure out where or how to complete those key actions. Or even worse, you're able to figure it out but get sofrustrated by the process that You give Up. 

10. Image Size 

The page speed of any website depends mainly on the size of the image. If you keep the size of any 

of your images at 100kb, then the pagespeed of your website will begood. If a web page is taking Too long to load then bounce back comes more on that page. 

11. Copyright Content 

You should protect your website from copyrighted content, if you use copyrighted content, then Google penalizes that pages, if your site is running Google AdSense, then it is not displayed on that page. 

12. Open Graph 

Open Graph is atype of protocol that gives access to SEO specialists that which content you want to show on Facebook, Twitter, etc social media platforms and which not. 

13. Reduce Page Size 

You should keep a lot of work on the sHotize of your web page at most 1MB.If the size of your web page is more than 1MB, then it will take more time to load, so many of your visitors can leave your site. 

14. Google Analytics 

Google Analytics is a medium with The help of which you can easily track Your customer and analyze your Customer easily and improve your website better. 

15. Keyword Density 

Keyword density is the main part of content writing. If you are using a keyword repeatedIy while writing content, then it is called keyword stuffing and Google does not Promote such content. You should keep the density of the keyword 2 to  3in your content. 

16. Robots.txt 

Robots.txt is atext file which allows a website to provide instructions to web crawling bots. Search engines like Google use these web crawlers, sometimes called web robots, to archive and categorize websites. Mosts bots are configured to search for a robots.txt file on the server before it reads any other file from the website. The robots.txt file contains aset of instructions that reguest the bot to ignore specific files or directories. 

17. 301/404 Error .. 

301 is a redirection code. Using this code, we can redirect our 1 web page to another web page. 404 is a page not found error code. That URL is not on a web site. Google ignores the redirection code and page not found error too much if any of your pages have errors of this type, then remove it or else google will not promote it. 

18. Sitemap 

A sitemap is a file that provides search engines with detailed information about all the pages and content that your website contains. Sitemaps use organization, navigation and labeling systems to help Google and other search engines to more intelligently crawl your site. 

19.Content Length 

The number of the word count of the copy on that page should be as much as it is needed to aid the user in achieving their goals on the page whether that is guickly recognizing the answer to a guestion, giving an in-depth clarification of a subject, or simply giving the gamble of a product.the ideal blog post length should be 2,100-2,400 words, according to HubSpot data. 

20. SEO friendly URL 

SEO friendly URLs are URLs that work well for both visitors and search engines. URLs in general describe the location of a document or page for visitors and search engines. Well chosen URLs are vital to good SEO performance. When it comes to URLs, Keep your URLs descriptive, readable and brief. 

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