Off-Page SEO Strategy

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What is off page SEO?

Just like on-page SEO, off page SEO plays acrucial role in determining where aweb page should be placed o SERP. While on-page SEO comprises of elements inside a website like content, images, meta title & description, and codes, off page 

SEO consists of factors outside a web page like link building. Off-page SEO isa technigue of undertaking SEO activities to optimize outside elements of the website with the goal of ranking it higher on SERP. 

Why ia off page SEO?

Since the online market is full Of competition, finding a place on the first page of the Google search engine is in itself difficult. A well-optimized website not only . finds aplace on top of the SERP but also enjoys more visitors and website traffic. Off page SEO is atried and tested strategy to improve awebsite's ranking, its domain authority, and increase its viewership. 

Off page SEO Strategy

Off-page SEO has many different strategies. will tell you about many strategies in this tutorial, you should read them all and in the upcoming tutorials, I will define these all activity one by one in detail. 

1. Profile Creation

In this section, we Will create profiles on different websites related toour brand sothat we can get high-guality backlinks. 

2. Directory Submission 

Directory submission is the practice of submitting our website URL and its details on the web in a directory under a particular category. This isa way which helps you to improve your link building. 

3. Classifeat Submission 

Classifieds submissions are an effective way of creating high-guality backlinks that redirect visitors to your website When potential visitors read your classified ad they also see the link to your website. This means the traffic to your website has more visitors that are interested in the products and services ou offer. 

4. PPT Submission 

PPT(PowerPoint) submission  isbasically a part of off-page SEO activities, where usually we make a brief showcase of our website for the targeted audience. The main purpose Of PPT submission is to reach our content to those users who want to save the search results for further use. 

5. Infographic Submission 

It's just submitting infographic content to the websites to build guality Backlinks. There are alot of websites which accept infographics, so you will submit infographics to such sites to get some reach & visibility. 

6. Video Submission 

Video sharing or submission offers the way to promote your business in the form of video. I think, you know that video file attracts more people than any other formats such as image, PPT, infographics etc. 

7. Images Sharing 

Inthis section, we will submit high-guality images (likejpg, png, gif, etc) in different sites and get backlinks. We Can create attractive images related to our products and services and submit them to different sites. 

8. Comments Backlinks 

Most blogs and news websites have acomment section a feature in which publishers invite the audience to comment on their published content. These sections often have a field that allows the addition of URLs to comments and automatically links to them, thus providing link juice to the commenter's website. That link is known as a comment backlink. 

9. Forum Submissions 

Forum submission is the way of online discussions and debates. It helps to expand and share knowledge, further aiding in generating useful backlinks that can change the game of SEO business. Forum submission  Isone of the oldest way of generating backlinks. 

10. Ping Submissions 

Pinging refers to sending autogenerated notifications to search engine spiders telling them that the page has been updated and needs to be re-crawled. In SEO, pinging means to tell search engines about your newily created backlinks so that they are crawled and are counted. Else you will not going to get any benefit from them.Ping submission is helpful for crawling the website and for updating the information in search engines. 

11. Search Engine Submission 

Google Webmaster Tools. Search engine submission is an effective tool of web promotion. It refers to the direct submission of a website toa search engine. It is aform of internet marketing that helps a webmasters increase the rankings of aweb pages or pages. 

12. Wiki Submission 

Wiki submission is one of the most effective ways to get some guality back links for your website. It will help you to boost your website ranking and authority on Google Search Engine. You can drive huge numbers of organic traffic. It will help you to boost your page rank and domain authority. 

13. Social Bookmarking 

Social Bookmarking is one the most popular ways to garner lots of traffic to their site. However, over the years, this technigue has lost the power it used to have. Nevertheless, web pages that are bookmarked at social bookmarking sites are still considered as guality backlinks in the eyes of search engines. 

14. Business Listing 

A business listing is an online listing of all your basic business information. Business listings are the starting point for consumer research and are important because they maintain the consistency of contact information for your business online, including business name, physical address, phone number, etc. 

15. Article Submission 

Article Submission refers to attracting traffic by submitting SEO optimized articles to popular article submission directories. It is a long term SEO activity which helps increase backlinks and boost pagerank of your website or blog. 

16. Backlinks Exchange 

A link exchange occurs when an agreement is made between two brands to trade links to boost SEO and site authority by essentially saying, “you link to me, and Ill link to you.” This provides traffic from other sites, possible readers, and more page views. 

17. Guest Posting 

It means posting on another person's blog as a guest. You contribute content  to someone's blog and in return you get an external backlink to your own blog and wider exposure. It's a simple concept with aclean sounding, win-win logic. 

18. Competitor Backlinks

Competitor backlinking is a search engine optimization strategy that involves analyzing the backlinks of competing websites within a vertical search. The outcome of this activity is designed to increase organic search engine rankings and to gain an understanding of the link building strategies used by business competitors. 

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