How to identify website errors?

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When you visit website you will see errors but you don't understnad what is exactily that! 

This post will help you to understand the meaning of every error code and when it occurs! 

1. HTTP Error 400 (Bad Request) 

This is basically an error message from the web server telling you that the application you are using (e.g., your web browser) accessed it incorrectly or that the reguest was somehow corrupted on the way. 

2.HTTP Error 401 (Unauthorized) 

This error happens when a website visitor tries to access a restricted web page but isn't authorized to do so, usually because of a failed login attempt. 

3. HTTP Error 403 (Forbidden) 

This error is similar to the 401 error, but note the difference between unauthorized and forbidden. In this case no login opportunity was available. This can happen, for example, if you try to access a (forbidden) directory on a website. 

4. HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error

The description of this error pretty much says it all. It's a general-purpose error message for when a web server encounters some form of internal error. For example, the web server could be overloaded and therefore unable to handle reguests properly. 

5. HTTP Error 404 (Not Found) 

» Most people are bound to recognize this one. A 404 error happens when you try to access a resource on a web server (usually a web page) that doesn't exist. 

» Some reasons for this happening can for example be a broken link, a mistyped URL, or that the webmaster has moved the reguested page somewhere else (or deleted it). 

» To counter the ill effect of broken links, some websites set up custom pages for them (and some of those are really cool). 

6. 408 Request Timeout 

408 error occurs when the user stops the request before the server finished retrieving information. This error will appear when a user closes the browser, clicks on a link too soon, or hits the stop button. It is also common to see this error when a server is running slow, or a file is very large. 

7. 501 (Not Implemented) 

When this error appears, it means the user has requested a feature that the browser does not support. 

8. 502 (Service Temporarily Overloaded) 

A 502 error occurs when there is server congestion. Usually this error corrects itself, when web traffic decreases. 

9. 503 (Service Unavailable) 

If the site is busy, or the server is down, users may get a 503 error. 

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